GEAR UP Scholar Families

What is a GEAR UP Scholar?
GEAR UP Kentucky high school seniors will become GEAR UP Scholar Path Students once they declare their intention to participate in postsecondary education after they graduate from high school. (Postsecondary education refers to any education completed after high school, whether it be a certificate program or a 2-year or 4-year college or university.)
If they attend one of GEAR UP Kentucky's nine partner postsecondary institutions after high school, they will become GEAR UP Scholars. (These partner institutions are: Bluegrass Community & Technical College, Eastern Kentucky University, Elizabethtown Community & Technical College, Gateway Community & Technical College, Kentucky State University, Maysville Community & Technical College, Morehead State University, Northern Kentucky University and University of Louisville.)
As GEAR UP Scholars, they will receive services from GEAR UP Kentucky that will help them sucessfully transition to their first year of college. GEAR UP Kentucky services will be provided through GEAR UP Kentucky Postsecondary Transition Coordinators (PTCs).
If you are a parent/guardian of a GEAR UP Scholar, PTCs may also provide services to you.
GEAR UP Kentucky PTCs
GEARing UP for Education After High School
A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents/Guardians
Click on the above image to view GEARing UP for Education After High School: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents/Guardians, which provides month-by-month task lists you may use to help your student identify what needs to be completed in preparation for post-high school education. It also includes information about campus resources and supports for college students.